October 6, 2012

Chronology of eagerness...

On the way to ...

9 months ago, I was thinking.... I'll never be recruited for this job in Antarctica, but that could be sooooo great.. What the hell, let's apply, at least they will remember my name for another year...

5 months ago, I was thinking.... Woooow I'm selected for personnal interviews to work on penguins in Antarctica/or in Crozet archipelago ! Hope it's gonna work !

4 months ago, I was thinking.... Yeaaaahh I'm gonna study penguin, wherever ! ... If the shrink says yes...

4 months 1/2 ago I was thinking... What is he thinking ?? Hope I'm not crazy...

4 months ago... I got the answer.... A short email with the title "VSC TA63" (which mean vonlunteering position to be part of the 63rd mission in Terre Adelie (antarctica))... Heart bitting faster and faster.... I'm not crazy AND I'm going to Antarctica !

Since then, I'm been planning, preparing metal cases, preparing paperwork, going to different doctors every week to be sure everything is ok... 

Last week, I was thinking....wow I'll see the people I'll have to live with for all these months. Effectivelly, I finally meet the people during the week-seminar at the polar institute in Brest. 

Now that the week is over, I'm thinking.... This is gonna be a GREAT year ! We even had a visioconference with the base.. Looking forward to the big journey in 2 weeks.

So it is really happenning, right now. After 2 weeks of training in Strasbourg I'll be really part of this adventure. Departure date: 21st of October !

Thanks for following the posts, I hope they will be numerous (eventhough I guess they will be rarer as the adventure continues). I'll try to do my best! 

Fair wind, 

The new DDU Penguinologist